The Lower Trent Valley Fish and Game Protective Association Inc., more commonly known as the Lower Trent Valley Fish and Game Club, is the oldest one in the area, having been incorporated at its present location in 1962 on 80 acres of land. The original building of our clubhouse took place in 1963-1964, with our trap range being constructed around 1970. We are a non-profit, member owned and administrated recreational firearm and bow shooting organization. Our facilities provide members with both indoor and outdoor shooting ranges that have been upgraded, improved and expanded over the past few years. This past year we were also able to increase the size of our acreage to a total of 120 acres. Please note that as more relics are unearthed it will be added, so please check back once in a while to see what we’ve missed or if you have some information that might help please send to the email address found in the Contact Us area.

Take a minute to watch a virtual tour of our property, Click HERE.


Dave Landles

Vice President

ACTING Terry Coons


Bob Hunt


Kevin Lott


Scott Bowers


Jeff Weaver


Mike Hoskins


Pete Franklin


Jason Francescone


Amanda Kooger

© 2025 Lower Trent Valley Fish and Game Club